Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Media Economies & French Advertising

Above an Italian ad for ad space reveals advertising as windows of desire. Below the American film They Live (1987) was based upon all advertising and signage promoting values of consumption and submission.

Guy Debord wrote the Society of the Spectacle in 1967. His ideas and circle of influence were connected to the rise of student consciousness in Paris in May 1968.

Above, students began to gather at Nanterre which eventually led to a Paris wide march and rebellion to the establishment.

Debord argued in his book that social forces of power use media to create submission. Historically, the Catholic Church, the Communist platform and now capitalism has employed similar meta-languages.

Debord also argued that media becomes increasingly the way in which we relate to one another. The spectacle is not a collection of images but how human relations are mediated by the images. Instead of speaking directly to each other about genuine emotions, we discuss media and our reactions to it.

We can also observe genuine political action being absorbed by advertising, as in the images below. The ads transform political agency to economic agency.

Media is not only funded by government and authority forces. Citizens and companies also influence media production. Below Burlusconi and Prince Al Waleed created a transnational media alliance helping both Italian and Arabian media. This type of funding redefines concepts of national and global media.

In French advertising, there is one name - Publicis. The group directed by Maurice Levy has about 44,000 employees worldwide and includes the English firm Saatchi & Saatchi, creators of the famous Lovemarks theory of advertising for emotional connection.

We can look at the French ads below and see cultural values, such as the legacy of the Catholic Church and aristocracy, the French national rooster, the city of Paris.

Below are examples of "porno chic,"the French tendency toward seductive ads.

American brands above and below create nation specific ads to the values of each culture.

The current issue in global advertising is the crisis of print. It's decline is accompanied by enormous diversity in advertising options and channels.

Companies have begun to think more strategically about their ad campaigns. French company Louis Vuitton has created a combined print-online-film campaign that uses one premise of journeys over time but simply changes the celebrity each season.

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